by production | May 29, 2021 | Asopa Films, Depth of Pyaar
Death of Pyaar (2020) is a film which is very difficult to summarise due to the deliberately broad scope of its narrative, with elements of crime, family drama, mystery, romance and thriller all blending together to result in a rather unfocused, confusing final piece....
by production | May 5, 2021 | Asopa Films, Depth of Pyaar
“If one had to fill in, little by little, the gap between day and night, it would take an eternity to do it. But the sun rises and the darkness is dispelled- a moment is sufficient to overcome an infinite distance.” – Rabindranath Tagore. This is a...
by asopa | Mar 19, 2021 | Aisha and Rahul, Asopa Films, Chambers Gate, Depth of Pyaar, The Taste of Relation
Award-winning director, actor, and producer Mukesh Asopa is well-known for his innovative blending of genres including thriller, drama, horror, and romance. This makes Asopa’s films stand out in their unique, artistic nature highlighting them in the mainstream film...
by production | Mar 7, 2021 | Aisha and Rahul, Asopa Films, Chambers Gate, Depth of Pyaar, The Taste of Relation
Mukesh Asopa is an award-winning film director, actor, and producer whose work has been lauded by film festivals across the globe. He is a member of DGC (Directors Guild of Canada), as well as an alumnus of the prestigious Barry John acting studio. After completing...
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